Unethical behavior may pay off in the short-term, but in the long-term it catches up and the consequences can be ... Ethical dilemma. is a situation requiring a decision about a course of action that, although offering potential benefits, may be considered unethical • May be no clear consensus on what is "right" or "wrong".
Just needed some points :)
Move closer to in-group
It is believed according to social identity that behavior of individuals can be changed by organization if the organization can first modify the self-identity of the individuals. Hence, it claims that when people with different social identity are put together in a group, the we-group will mover closer to in-group others who perform more poorly than we do on an important task, when the group identity is salient.
One of France's greatest natural resources is its deep veins of coal used to generate 90% of France's electricity. The discovery and implementation of coal in France is what helped them enter the Industrial Revolution in the mid-19th century. It also played a hugely important role in during World War 1 and helped propel France towards becoming a "superpower" during the War. This was largely due to their increased production that was possible due to their vast coal resource.
Wanted to make more money off of goods