Answer: the direction of the magnetic force on the electron will be moving out of the screen, perpendicular to the magnetic field.
The magnetic force F on a moving electron at right angle to a magnetic field is given by the formula:
F = BqVSinØ
If an electron moves in the plane of this screen toward the top of the screen. A magnetic field is also in the plane of the screen and directed toward the right. Then, the direction of the magnetic force on the electron will be perpendicular to the magnetic field
According to the Fleming's left - hand rule, the direction of the magnetic force on the electron will be moving out of the plane of the screen.
This resistance current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance. In other words, as the voltage increases, so does the current. Hope this helps !!
The direction of the field is downward, and negatively charged particles will experience an upwards force due to the field.
F = N e E where E is the value of the field and N e the charge Q
M g = N e E and M g is the weight of the drop
N = M g / (e E)
N = 1.1E-4 * 9.8 / (1.6E-19 * 370) = 1.1 * 9.8 / (1.6 * 370) * E15 = 1.82E13
.00011 kg is a very large drop
Q = N e = M g / E = .00011 * 9.8 / 370 = 2.91E-6 Coulombs
Check: N = Q / e = 2.91E-6 / 1.6E-19 = 1.82E13 electrons
Iron transition metal
Potassium Alkaline metal
Strontium Alkaline earth metal
Platinum transition metal
The periodic table arranges elements based on their atomic numbers into periods and groups. Atomic number is the number of protons an atom contains.
On the periodic table:
Group IA is called Alkaline metal
Group IIA is the Alkaline earth metals
Group IIIA Boron family elements
Group VIIA Halogens
Group O Noble gases or inert gases.
Group IIIB to IIB Transition elements.
Running a check of the given elements on the periodic table will confirm answer.
Learn more:
Periodic table