Steel paper clip because it can be moved by the magnet and it is lighter than the iron nail
I believe the evidence for this theory
is that:
The orbits surrounding Jupiter are
highly elliptical which are off the plane of the ecliptic, and many of these moons
are retrograde. This is very unlikely for moons or satellites which are formed during
the planetary accretion. Hence comes the theory.
There are many examples of electrostatic phenomena, from those as simple as the attraction of the plastic wrap to one's hand after it is removed from a package to the apparently spontaneous explosion of grain silos, the damage of electronic components during manufacturing, and photocopier & laser printer operation
The one that research has determined about the orbit of an electron around nucleus is : Each sub-level electron type has a unique path where it will likely to be found
Here are the sub levels of an electron :
-sub level s, maximum number of 2 electrons
- sub level p, maximum number of 6 electrons
- sub level d, maximum number of 10 electrons
- sub level f, maximum number of 14 electrons