<span>There are different types of B cell and T cell. both are lymphocytes, a subclass </span><span>of white blood cell. the T cells are mainly used in identifying antigens and </span><span>releasing chemicals which attack macrophages (big immune cells which 'eat' </span>antigens), to destroy the antigen. B cells are used in the <span>antibodies. When they encounter a new antigen, plasma cells and memory cells are </span>antibodies. <span>Formed from the division of a B cell. the memory cell remembers the antigen and </span><span>which antibody to use, while the plasma cell makes the antibodies to fight a </span><span>particular antigen or class of antigens. </span> Hope this could help you with your question. : )
Answer: Which Group 1A elements are less dense than pure water at 4 degrees C? Li Na K. How does density vary with temperature? Temperature up, density down.