The density of an ordinay rock is close to 3 g/cm^3 wihle the density of the paper clips is close to 8 g/cm^3 (the density of steel), then equal apparent volumes (same box) will contain different mass, being of course the mass of the box with paper clips much higher than that of the box with rocks.
negative or neutral
electrons have a negative charge
- the atom can be balanced by the negative charge if it was at two protons before

In this case, we can consider that the given heat of combustion is indeed the heat of reaction since it corresponds to the combustion of propane, which is computed by using the heat formation of all the involved species as shown below:

Thus, since the heat of formation of gaseous carbon dioxide is -393.5 kJ/mol, water -241.8 kJ/mol and oxygen 0 kJ/mol, the heat of formation of propane is:

Best regards.