A physical quantity which can be completely described by the magnitude and direction both are called vector quantities. For example, displacement, velocity, etc.
A physical quantity which can be completely explained by the magnitude only is called scalar quantity. For example, mass, time, etc.
This is another time to look at Newton's 2nd law of motion:
Net Force = (mass) x (acceleration)
If the object is not moving, then its acceleration is certainly zero, and Newton's law looks like this:
Net Force = (mass) x (zero)
or Net Force = (zero) .
"Net Force = zero" means that if there ARE any forces acting on the object, then they add up to zero, and we call them "balanced" forces.
So the answer is '<em>yes</em>', and that's why.
Airida [17]
La energía mareomotriz se produce gracias al movimiento generado por las mareas, esta energía es aprovechada por turbinas, las cuales a su vez mueven la mecánica de un alternador que genera energía eléctrica, finalmente este último esta conectado con una central en tierra que distribuye la energía hacia la comunidad.