Answer: a)
The buoyant force, as stated by Archimedes’ principle, is equal to the weight of the liquid that occupies the same volumen as the submerged object, as follows:
Fb = δ.V.g
If this force is larger than the weight of the object (that means that the fluid is denser than the solid), the object floats, which is the case for silver and mercury.
Instead, silver density is larger than water density, which explains why the pure silver ingot sinks.
Finally, as mercury is denser than water, we conclude that for a same object, the buoyant force in mercury is larger than in water (exactly 13.6 times greater).
Earth was the center of the universe
I believe your answer is off by a couple of decimal points. The answer is approximately 1.041 N
a) , b) , c) .
a) Let assume that car travel on a horizontal surface. The equations of equilibrium of the car are:
After some algebraic handling, the following expression for the propulsion force is constructed:
b) The power require to move the car at a speed of 5 meters per second is:
c) The efficiency of the car is:
Frequency is <u>the number of waves</u> that move past a point during a specific amount of time. Frequency is measured in <u>Hertz</u>, and is classified as high, medium, or low. Frequency is interpreted as the <u>pitch</u> of a sound. Intensity refers to the <u>loudness</u> of a sound and is measured in <u>decibels</u>. Louder sounds <u>increase</u> the rate of nerve signals relayed to the brain.