France lost all claims to Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain, while Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada, and various French holdings overseas.
had a lurking suspicion that they would be converted to Christianity
under the new regime. The fear was largely due to the activities of some
of the activities of some Christian missionaries who openly ridiculed
the customs and the traditons of both Hindus and Muslims.The English
also established Chapels and Churches for propagating Chritianity at the
expense of the government. Even civil and military officers were asked
to propagate the gospel. The religious sentiments of the people were
further hurt when a tax was imposed on property held by temples and
mosques. </span>
Erik Erikson was a psychologist who developed a theory of social development according to which we go through different stages during our whole lifespan, these stages are basically crisis which we are supposed to solve in order to continue our development.
The last stage of this theory is called ego integrity versus despair and it begins at approximately age 65 and it continues until death. During this stage, people look back and contemplate their lives and the accomplishments they achieved in their lives. If they think they had a meaningful life they achieve a sense of integrity. On the other hand if they think their life wasn't meaningful, they develop a sense of despair.
In this example, Abner has 70 years old and he feels that his life has not been of any real value or significance. <u>Because of his age we can see that he must be in the stage of "ego integrity vs despair" and since he doesn't feel like he lived a meaningful live we can see that he is not achieving a sense of </u><u>integrity</u><u>. </u>
The plague, also the black death caused a drastic fall in the total population of the inhabitants of Europe.
The competition and congestion that was being experienced eased. Labour became a scarse resource out of the sudden reduction, there were plenty of jobs, with good pay, compared to the previous competition out of the large population of peasants.
There was a lot of land and therefore no congestion, land became cheaper and consequently led to high mobility.
D. Ehan is ignored at a car dealership and then openly mocked for looking like the child to someone who would buy from them.