C. Cleaning removes food particles; Sanitizing reduces bacteria to safer levels.
If you are physically fit and are good with academics you will be a very healthy person your true friend, murdle
Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores. Regular physical activity can increase the production of hormones that make you feel happier and help you sleep better. A number of studies have found that exercise also helps to ease depression.
To summarize- the long term affects of regular activity can not only keep you healthy, but it can benefit you both mentally and physically. If you get out of the house and go for a walk, you can interact with nature, other people, animals, and it can improve your mental state. It is proven that the sun can help boost your seratonin levels and can help you stay more energized as well as calm you down and keep you focused. Staying active and taking care of yourself also could also extend your life span. If you don't do any exercise or regular activities, it can lead to health conditions that could possibly be life threatning. You could over eat, get depressed, lose social connections with friends and family and in the end have an early death.
I'm sure you could go more into detail about each of those ideas and come up with a few more but that's just a start. Hope it helped!
RNA is genomes viruses. It caused thousands of death each year. For example Spanish Flu 1918 is the most deadly viruses. Because of deadly viruses that is why scientist have to make new fomulas to control over the flu. Every year, we should have a flu shots. However, there are several viruses have no medication for it, beside anitibiotics, for example, influenza A, B, C or H1 N1 or H3 N2. DNA is genomes of testing. For example, murder case, FBI, Lab, will collect all evidences to find out the killer. |CIS show} they are using DNA.