Disobeying laws can be a "civic responsibility" when those laws are Unjust.
Answer:C americans worry about immagrants rights and dissagree on policies for illegal immigration
Answer: Information, communication and technology helps sustain people living together in a nation
The Nation is the people, her culture, her economy, her language, her pattern of government and everything that connects those particular living in the same place. The people cannot be seperated from the nation because it's the people that constitutes of a Nation.
Communication, information and technology has a big role to play in the society today. Fortunately, the world is moving at a fast pace and everything is evolving, better and easier means of communication are available. Communication keeps the people informed and give them an understanding, information is that data of knowledge that is being communicated and technology is the means by which it's communicated.
The Family and Medical Leave Act says that the replaced workers must be given a similar position in the same company with the same pay as their old jobs.
Option: (A)
- The Family and Medical Act of 1993 guarantees job security for the employees who seek long-term leave owing to medical conditions like pregnancy, accidental injuries or other health disorders.
- For the protection of this act to be applicable, the employee has to serve in the same organization for at least 12 months and complete a minimum of 1250 hours of working.