Civil Liberties Supreme Court
From what I can tell, the case would likely be sent to a Civil Liberties Court where either a pannel of judges or a jury (might wish to look that up to be sure), would decide whether rights were in conflict, and if they were, how to resolve said conflict.
The Jazz Age was a cultural period and movement that took place in America during the 1920s from which both new styles of music and dance emerged. Largely credited to African Americans employing new musical techniques along with traditional African traditions, jazz soon expanded to America's white middle class.
Because people feel that the color of your skin makes you different when really it doesn't. how to eliminate would be to stop teaching kids that just because you are white or black or brown youre different beacuase everyone has the same insides like we are all human there really is no difference
Hi! Your question was incomplete so I had to find the question online by googling it. Here are the answers:
-Differentiation and development of all the body organs occur during the prenatal stage of life. Environmental stress during this stage predisposes the individual to disease later in adulthood.
-The postnatal stage-from infance to childhood to the juvenile period to adolescence to adulthood-involves growth acceleration and deceleration. Childhood and adolescence are long events, in which adult behaviors are learned, individuals become completely mature, and the reproductive capacity develops.