Ionic bond
The magnesium atom gives up 2 electrons to form a magnesium ion, Mg2+ . The two electrons are transferred to fluorine atoms to form two fluoride ions, F–.
Answer: A.
Brownian motion is the random motion of a particle as a result of collisions with surrounding gaseous molecules. Diffusiophoresis is the movement of a group of particles induced by a concentration gradient. This movement always flows from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.
Example: The movement of pollen grains on still water. Motion of dust motes in a room (though largely influenced by air currents).
(4) 220Fr, known as Francium-220, undergoes alpha decay, which emits an alpha particle, also known as a helium nucleus, which has a charge of +2.
Nuclear fission
All nuclear reactors in operation are based on the principle of nuclear fission of Uranium nuclide to produce energy. These is produced is being controlled and is used in heating water to steam. The steam is then harnessed to drive or power steam turbines which is used for the generation of electricity.