internal disclosure controls and procedures.
"Internal disclosure controls and procedures" is a new term created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and it refers to controls and procedures that must be setup by top management of a corporation in order to ensure that the information it discloses under the Securities Exchange Act is properly recorded, processed, summarized and reported.
announcing the product takes place in the commercialization and launch of the product
A. All of these 3 other possible answers that are listed here are true reasons.
If we are to use wage the rate of change in wages or inflation, as a proxy for inflation in the economy, when there is unemployment, the number of persons searching for work is significantly greater than the number of jobs available for the people who are unemployed. What we mean is, the supply of labor is greater than the demand for it.
With the availability of many workers, there's little need for employers to "bid" for the services of employees by paying them good wages.