Uranium-233- fission
Plutonium-239- fission
Plutonium-241- fission
Hydrogen-3 fusion
Hydrogen-1 fusion
Helium-3 fusion
In nuclear fission, heavy nuclear disintegrate into smaller nuclei when bombarded with particles such as neutrons. Fission reaction is common among nuclei having a high atomic number such as plutonium and uranium.
Fusion occurs between two light nuclei such as hydrogen or helium. It involves the combination of two lighter elements to give a heavier element with the release of tremendous amount of energy.
Law, since "It is supported by a great deal of evidence. A theory is almost like an educated guess but a little more complex. Someone can have a theory and try to predict the outcome, which could be how they want it to go or how they don't want it to go. With a law, the scientist is basically certain of the outcome due to the evidence that was provided when the law was created.
A balanced equation must have the same number of atoms on the both sides of equation.
Non metals are electronegative in nature whereas metals are electropositive. A non-metal accepts electron and gains negative charge whereas metals lose eletrons and gains positive charge. Hence correct answer is non-metals. Hope this helps!