Bacteria lives on the outside of foods, especially raw meats. When you cook a steak, you kill the outside bacteria making it safe to eat the pink insides since it won't be exposed to any bacteria. Hamburgers however are made of ground meat which, since it's ground, has been exposed to more bacteria. The meat is packed in a hamburger patty, but the inside has still been exposed to bacteria. You fully cook hamburgers to kill any lingering bacteria inside and out of the patty.
Viruses because children immune system cannot repeal parasites (no one can) or bacteria that is why we wash or hands. Fungi is not something we can repeal either.
<span>The dilution method is</span>
some symptoms of a heart attack could be heavy sweating, crushing chest pain radiating both arms, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, weakness, and nausea. Some risk factors of a heart attack could be genetics, gender, age, and race.
here hab a cookie ~
C. Increasing your calorie intake