Adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine
I wanna say D, but I’m not entirely sure
The electrons in the outermost shell of the covalent compounds are shared by nearby atoms. As there are no free electrons for conducting electricity, the covalent compounds are perfect insulators at absolute zero. As the temperature increases, some electrons move from valence band to conduction band. This gives rise to conductivity. But as the numbers of charge carriers are very low, covalent compounds are poor conductors. On the other hand metals are good conductors cause of their bonding. Metallic bonding consists of a sea of electrons rather than discreet bonds. The free electrons are able to move freely. Since electricity and heat need electrons to move, the bonding promotes conductivity.
Observers ahead of the wave observe an apparent increase in wave frequency
This is the Doppler Effect. The frequency of a wave increases when the source approaches the observer and decreases as the source recedes.
B, C, and D are wrong. Observers behind the source notice a decrease in frequency.
Musculus is the latin word for muscle