The correct answer is periods. See the explanation below, please.
The horizontal lines in the periodic table are called periods (ranging from 1 to 7) and vertical lines (ranging from 1 to 18).
The period that an element belongs to coincides with the last electronic layer of the element (that compound in period 3 will have 2 electronic layers).
sounds cooler, and it should have fewer people in the category, making a higher chance if placing if you do it.
Heat flows from our body to iron
The anserr is c that what i think
that's because....
group 1 (e.g Na, K) those tend to lose one electron to gain noble gas electron configuration.
they can achieve that by just losing one electron from their outer shell.
as you go down the group 1, element gets bigger in size, which means there is more space between nucleus (which is in center of atom) and electron of outer shell. the more far away they are the less attraction force between them.
so its easier for potassuim to lose one electron than for lithuim.
so that means potassium will easily give up 1 electron to react with non metal or other element therefore it is more reactive than lithuim
but in case of non metal, the opposite happens but simple to understand.
as you go down the group 7 (halogen- Cl, Br, I) element will get bigger therefore force between nucleus and outer electron is getting smaller. they have to gain 1 electron in order to fill the outer shell (to gain noble gas electron configuration.)
as florine is more smaller in size than clorine it is more reactive because florine has more tendency to pull extra electron from metal or other element towards its side. so it easily gain 1 electron to react.