The action or process of making a copy of something.
Answer : If we list the given chemicals according to their increasing oxidising ability then the order will be like this; 1 being the strongest and 6 being the weakest
1. K > 2. Ca >3. Ni> 4. Cu> 5. Ag> 6.Au
Explanation : Considering the reduction potential of each chemical species it will be easy to identify their oxidising capacity and differentiate accordingly;
More negative the value of reduction potential more is the ability of the chemical species to get oxidised.
Chemicals with their reduction potential is given below.
K has -2.92; Ca has -2.76; Ni has -0.23; Cu has 0.52; Ag has 1.50 and Au has 1.50.
Gross primary production and net primary production. Gross primary production is the amount of chemical energy as biomass that primary producers create in a given length of time.
Let's go through each of the answers and think about why they work or don't work.
Chemical forms compounds.
Nuclear changes the element completely. We're going to use the sun as an example. The sun is in a state of plasma. It's really hot and has all these particles hitting into each other. The nucleus' of atoms are hitting into each other forming larger elements. It's real crazy. Nuclear is not correct.
Physical cannot form a compound.
I can’t see the whole question......