1. when a earth worm eat it deposits nutrient by pooping
2. earth worm, feed grass, feed cow, human eat cow
Trees have to adapt to their environments in order to survive them, from the shape of their leaves to the size of their branches. They also have had to adapt the shape of their crowns to the kind of climate they live in so that they may have better chances at survival.
In warm areas with lots of sunlight for instance, you will see broad cones as the tree takes advantage to get as much sunlight as it can. In colder areas where snow is abundant, trees will be conical in shape so as not to gather too much snow when it falls.
In ionic bonds, there is a transfer of electrons from one atom to another. Because of the transfer of electrons, the atoms that gain electrons become negatively charged, while the atoms that lose electrons will be positively charged. [1] If the atom has an additional electron, then the atom becomes a negative ion, known as anion. Meanwhile, if the atom loses electrons, then the atom becomes a positive ion or cation. [2] Because of the difference in charge between ions (positive ions and negative ions), the positive and negative ions will attract each other by electrostatic forces. This event is the basis of ionic bonding.
#sorry if wrong