To convert grams to moles, we need the molar mass of the element or compound. remember you can determine the molar mass of a molecule by adding the atomic mass of each atom from the periodic table.
molar mass of Na= 23.0 g/ mol
130 g (1 mol Na/ 23.0 grams)= 5.65 moles or 6 moles.
D) reacts with oxygen
All other are physical properties.
The Chemical Equation for each one of these compounds would be the following
Sodium Chloride: NaCl
This compound contains 1 Sodium atom and 1 Chlorine atom
Sodium Oxide: Na₂O
This compound contains 2 Sodium atoms and 1 Oxygen atom.
History of composition
Years Material Weight (grains)
1944–1946 gilding metal (95% copper, 5% zinc) 48 grains
1947–1962 bronze (95% copper, 5% tin and zinc) 48 grains
1962 – September 1982 gilding metal (95% copper, 5% zinc) 48 grains
October 1982 – present copper-plated zinc (97.5% zinc, 2.5% copper) 38.6 grains