Vegetative state
Vegetative state is a disorder of consciousness that occurs when there is a dysfunction of the cerebral hemispheres caused by a traumatic brain injury, stroke or an illness. When this occurs, the person becomes unaware of his environment, but since the hypothalamus and the brain stem is not affected, the person’s autonomic and motor reflexes such as sleep cycle, blood pressure, heart rate, etc, still functions properly. The person is said to be awake but unaware.
Your bowel movements (poop) are dependent on your food intake, health, and diet. Health affects its viscosity as well as color, and bad health or medical conditions can lead to dark stools.
[Green] may suggest that the intestines didn't break down the chemicals (because of diarrhea), or diet consisting of greens (vegetables).
[Red] stools should be taken with caution, and you should contact your doctor for a check-up.
[Black] stools can be a symptom of a disease, or the side-affect of a medication.
[Yellow] stools may be caused by a lack of bile salts( I'm not that sure, go on google if you are confused)
A.Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide is a, colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns
Rehabilitation is a form of therapy in which people who may have suffered are offered a second chance.