The planet closest to the sun; Mercury.
c. Solar eclipses would be much more frequent.
The <u>ecliptic plane</u> is the apparent orbit that the sun describes around the earth (although it is the earth that orbits the sun), is the path the sun follows in earth's sky.
A <u>solar eclipse</u> occurs when the moon gets between the earth and the sun, so a shadow is cast on the earth because the light from the sun is blocked.
The reason why solar eclipses are not very frequent is because the moon's orbital plane is not in the same plane as the orbit of the earth around the sun, but rather that it is somewhat inclined with respect to it.
So <u>if both orbits were aligned, the moon would interpose between the sun and the earth more frequently, producing more solar eclipses.</u>
So, if the moon's orbital plane were exacly the same as the ecliptic plane solar eclipses would be more frequent.
the answer is: c.
1. In a single atom, no more than 2 electrons can occupy a single orbital? A. True
2. The maximum number of electrons allowed in a p sublevel of the 3rd principal level is?
3. A neutral atom has a ground state electronic configuration of 1s^2 2s^2. Which of the following statements concerning this atom is/are correct?
B. All of the above.