5.4*10^-19 C
For the purposes of this question, charges essentially come in packages that are the size of an electron (or proton since they have the same magnitude of charge). The charge on an electron is -1.6*10^-19
Therefore, any object should have a charge that is a multiple of the charge of an electron - It would not make sense to have a charge equivalent to 1.5 electrons since you can't exactly split the electron in half. So the charge of any integer number of electrons can be transferred to another object.
Charge = q(electron)*n(#electrons)
Since 5.4/1.6 = 3.375, we know that it can not be the right answer because the answer is not an integer.
If you divide every other option listed by the charge of an electron, you will get an integer number.
(16*10^-19 C)/(1.6*10^-19C) = 10
(-6.4*10^-19 C)/(1.6*10^-19C) = -4
(4.8*10^-19 C)/(1.6*10^-19C) = 3
(5.4*10^-19 C)/(1.6*10^-19C) = 3.375
(3.2*10^-19C)/(1.6*10^-19C) = 2
I hope this helps!
Let Ma mass of cat A=7kg
Va velocity of cat A=7m/s
Mb mass of cat b=6.1kg
VB velocity of cat b=2m/s
From conservation of linear momentum
Hi there! When a chemical Reaction happens, the tell tale signs are as listed:
~The chemical produces bubbles
~ The Chemical emits an odor
~ The liquid forms a solid(Precipitate)
~ There is a change of color
~ And last but not least a change in temperature!
Hope this can help! Good luck!
When an object slows down the Acceleration is in the other direction which “ slows it down