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El elemento que tiene el número atómico 56 en la tabla periódica del bario. El bario es un elemento del grupo dos.
Se combina con el cloro para formar cloruro de bario. que tiene la fórmula BaCl2 de acuerdo con la valencia de ambos elementos.
El cloruro de bario es un compuesto iónico.
because a fruit holds the seeds it needs to reproduce and continue living.
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2
There are four types of quantum numbers;
1) Principal quantum number (n)
2) Azimuthal quantum number (l)
3) magnetic quantum number (ml)
4) Spin quantum number (s)
The azimuthal quantum number (l) describes the orbital angular momentum and shape of an orbital while the magnetic quantum number shows the projections of the orbital angular momentum along a specified axis. This implies that the magnetic quantum number shows the orientation of various orbitals along the Cartesian axes. The values of the magnetic quantum number ranges from -l to + l
For l= 2, the possible values of the magnetic quantum number are; -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
The answer is B...
because any of the others could have an opinion based answer but B will always be the same its a fact not opinion.