<span>Sucrose </span>is an example of a polymer separate but equal means that both races get the same thing they just dont get it at the same time.<span />
GAAP is a generally accepted accounting principle in U.S. it refers to common sets of accepted accounting principle, standards, procedures that the companies and its accountants must follow in order to compile their financial statement.
IFRS are sets of international accounting standards That specify how the financial statements will disclose different types of transactions and other activities. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issues IFRS which defines precisely how accountants are required to maintain and record their accounts. In an attempt to have an universal accounting system, IFRS was developed so that business and accounts can be interpreted from industry to industry, and country to country.
526 L O2 x 1 mol O2 / 22.4 L = 23.5 mol O2