I misunderstood at first, Rule of Man is rules change from monarch to monarch, so B is actually correct
Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are different in that they have traditionally been seen as isolated socially and culturally from each other and from the Caribbean neighbours. Furthermore,They are quite cut off from the South American continent in which they are geographically situated.
The reason from this disconnection may reside in the fact that The Guyanas are the only territories in South America that were once a colonies belonging to England (Guyana)France(French Guyana) and The Netherlands(Suriname).
E) a bio-psycho-social perspective
According to a different source, these are the options that come with this question:
A) the DSM-IV.
B) the medical model.
C) linkage analysis.
D) the legal insanity defense.
E) a bio-psycho-social perspective.
People around the world experience the same diseases differently. This is not the result of differences in biology or in the disease itself. Instead, this stems from differences in culture and in the social understanding of diseases. As this deeply influences a person's experiences with a disease, it is necessary to take psychological and social understandings of a disease into account when treating someone who suffers from them. This is known as the a bio-psycho-social perspective.
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