Examples of surface tension:
Walking on water: Small insects such as the water strider can walk on water because their weight is not enough to penetrate the surface.
Floating a needle: A carefully placed small needle can be made to float on the surface of water even though it is several times as dense as water.
c. Compression.
Compression is the primary way from which folded mountains are formed. Fold mountains are created where two or more of tectonic plates of earth are pushed together. Due these collision, compressing boundaries and rocks are folded into rocky hills, mountains, and entire mountain ranges. Fold mountains are formed through a process called orogeny which is an event that leads to both structural deformation of the Earth's lithosphere at the margins of convergent plate.
About composition of water and organisms that lives there.
scientists might be able to learn about the composition of seawater that was present millions of years ago if we study those stones that comes in contact to that ancient seawater because the traces of particles still present on it. This study provides valuable information about ancient times of earth and its natural resources. These rocks also provides animals that were present in that sea water at that time.
In general, the process responsible for the growth and repair of human tissue is the healing process, which takes place in three phases.
1. inflammatory response. Injured tissues release chemicals that draw resources to the area, alert the body that damage has occurred and inhibit function to prevent further injury.
2. Repair phase. Once injured area is walled off and debris removed, construction to replace or repair injured tissue begins. New blood vessels grow in the injured area maximizing transport within tissue.
3. Remodeling phase. Construction of permanent tissue , typically strong scar tissue made from dense network of collagen fibers.
Looking at it from cell level, the process of mitosis is actually taking place during healing.
Mitosis is used for growth and repair and produces diploid cells identical to each other and to the parent cell.
New cells are needed throughout life. These are for growth and replacement of damaged or worn out tissue. The body obtains such through the process of mitosis.