For Gain of −10
Inverting op-amp gain is given by

The negative sign represents output signal being phase shifted by 180°

For Gain of −1

For Gain of +10
Non-inverting op-amp gain is given by

For Gain of +1
To get a Gain of +1, make
which results in
The output is directly connected to the input which makes
equal to
Therefore, giving a gain of exactly 1.

This kind of design configuration is also known as Voltage Follower.
Negative feedback is being used to design these op-amp amplifiers.

Negative feedback increases the stability at the cost of reduced gain.
The gain is reduced by a factor of
Negative feedback reduces noise and distortion and improves frequency response of the amplifier.
An ideal op-amp should have infinite input resistance and zero output resistance. Negative feedback increases the input impedance and reduces the output impedance.