420/9.8 which equals 42.87.
A. kinetic energy
B. angular velocity
E. angular position
The quantities that cannot be constant if a constant net torque is exerted on an objecta are:
A. Kinetic energy. If a torque is applied, the linear or angular speed will be changing at a rate proportional to the torque, so the kinetic energy will change too.
B. Angular velocity. It will change at a rate equal to the torque.
C. Angular position. If the angular velocity changes, the angular position will change.
The quantity work has to do with a force causing a displacement. Work has nothing to do with the amount of time that this force acts to cause the displacement. Sometimes, the work is done very quickly and other times the work is done rather slowly. For example, a rock climber takes an abnormally long time to elevate her body up a few meters along the side of a cliff. On the other hand, a trail hiker (who selects the easier path up the mountain) might elevate her body a few meters in a short amount of time. The two people might do the same amount of work, yet the hiker does the work in considerably less time than the rock climber. The quantity that has to do with the rate at which a certain amount of work is done is known as the power. The hiker has a greater power rating than the rock climber.
Power is the rate at which work is done. It is the work/time ratio. Mathematically, it is computed using the following equation.
Power = Work / time
P = W / t
Gravity is dependent on the mass of two bodies and the distance between them. There is a strong gravitational attraction between Earth and the Moon because they’re relatively close to one another. There is a strong gravitational attraction between Earth and the Sun because the Sun is so massive