70 Kilogram hockey
Hit by 0.1 kilogram
50 Newton
So in this case this bacially means that one object is experiencing a force then another object. So the answer to the question will be 50N.
Answer: 50N (3rd Law)
Hope this helps.
Two or more velocities add by vector addition
If you remember the formula for potential energy,
then this question is a piece-o-cake.
<em>Potential energy = (mass) x (<u>acceleration of gravity</u>) x (height) .</em>
-- The object's mass is the same everywhere.
-- You said that the height is the same both times.
-- How about the acceleration of gravity ?
Compared to gravity on Earth, it's only 16.5 percent as much on the Moon.
So naturally, from the formula, you'd expect the Potential Energy to be less
on the Moon.
one of the characteristics of a mammal is their several hollow bones another is their three chambered heart and the last is highly developed nervous system
the reason i picked those three is because not all mammals live their life on land and also mammals font have internal fertillization when they are done they take care of their babies and when they grow up they live their own life
The Primary Colors are Red Yellow and Blue