The characteristic of the economic theory of mercantilism is that, exports should be encouraged over imports. The economic theory of mercantilism's main aim is to establish a powerful and wealthy state. Mercantile system is a kind of economic system that seeks to enrich a country be prioritizing and encouraging exports over imports.
A settlement owned and ruled by a different country is a colony, if that's what you are asking
But a planet's size is not necessarily proportional to its mass. In the end, how massive a planet is has more to do with its composition and density. So while a planet like Mercury may be smaller in size than Jupiter's moon Ganymede or Saturn's moon Titan, it is more than twice as massive than they are.
Learned helplessness is a psychological disorder. It occurs when a person feel stressful situation repeatedly. In this situation they believe that they are not able to work and move. So that they do not try to escape or take action against the situation.
The opportunities become changed according to the situation. Martin Saligman explained about learned helplessness. Learned helplessness leads to the psychological disorder such as stress and depression. It is also included mental disorder such as PTSD.
Dissociative identity disorder ''is a disorder in which different personalities coexist in a single body.''
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental disorder characterized mainly by the alteration of autobiographical memory and identity (with the presence of multiple personalities), as well as by problems in perception, consciousness and volitional control. It usually manifests itself, transiently or chronically, in people predisposed to dissociation who have suffered severe trauma during childhood. Diagnostic criteria include the alternation between 2 or more personalities (very different from each other), that take control of the individual's behavior on a recurring basis and the inability to remember relevant autobiographical information.