Un protón es aproximadamente 1835 veces más masivo que un electrón. Si está preguntando acerca de sus dimensiones físicas, nadie lo sabe. Los científicos actualmente no saben qué tan pequeños son los electrones. ¡Son más pequeños de lo que podemos medir actualmente y pueden no tener un tamaño en absoluto!
Mass and thus force depends on the reference frame chosen
This can be explained as Newton's law of gravity provides action which are instantaneous at a distance and involves the evaluation of all the quantities at present time or at the instant they occur.
If the body undergoes a change in its mass distribution there will be an immediate change in its gravitational force without any lag.
Now, if we talk about special relativity, it would be absurd to say that an information can travel faster than light. The effect is in synchronization with the cause in one reference frame where the effect occurs after the cause for some observer in some other reference frame.
In order to observe Newton's law of gravity all the observer's in different reference frames must observe the same phenomena which could only be possible if time were absolute and in special relativity, time is not absolute.
Therefore, Newton's law of gravity was inconsistent with the Einstein's Special Relativity.
I would expect it to be slightly basic.
The question is about the period of the comet in its orbit.
To find the period you can use one of the Kepler's law:
T: period
G: Cavendish constant = 6.67*10^-11 Nm^2 kg^2
r: average distance = 1UA = 1.5*10^11m
M: mass of the sun = 1.99*10^30 kg
By replacing you obtain:
the comet takes around 16.63min