elastic potential energy
You input potential (stored) energy into the rubber band system when you stretched the rubber band back. Because it is an elastic system, this kind of potential energy is specifically called elastic potential energy.
Power is defined as the rate of doing work with reference to the time spent and the formula is force multiplied by velocity.
In this case, if two people lift identical stacks of books the same distance and one person does the job twice as fast, then it means the velocity in the case is doubled which will also lead to an increase in the Power .
The climate factor that is responsible for the amount of snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro is high elevation. In the concept of precipitation, as an air mass rises and cools, its capacity to hold water vapor lessens. This vapor condenses into water droplets, forming clouds. Terrain with high elevation attracts such formations, bringing with them cloudiness, rainfall, and snowfall.
Mount Rushmore is a very well built sculpture. It is visited by millions of people each year to see 60-foot tall images of the American presidents; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Rosevelt which are carved into the Black Hills of South Dakota. Mount Rushmore has faced many controversies too. The land it was built on is sacred to Native Americans. The Sioux were also forced to leave the land, after lots of battles