Mrs. f's blood work has come back and shows that she has low plasma osmolarity and decreased levels of plasma proteins and plasm
a k+. you can see how plasma proteins are related to her liver failure, since the liver synthesizes plasma proteins. but why does she have low k+ levels?
Mrs F is suffering from the liver disease, it is prominent from her plasma protein study. Plasma proteins are secreted from liver, and its lessening is related to liver failure.
But liver has different other functions too. The RAAS or Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System is dependent on liver. Angiotensinogen I is converted to Angiotensinogen II in liver. In its absence, the potassiumsecretion is not controlled in kidney. It is secreted in urine, so urine potassium is high, but blood potassium lessens.
Mrs. F has low k+ levels because the liver destroys aldosterone. Aldosterone is a substance used to stimulate the secretion of potassium (k+) in the kidneys. Destruction of this enzyme would mean the reduction of potassium in the body. The inhibition of aldosterone occurs when renin is inhibited.