El yoduro de potasio es una sal cristalina de fórmula KI, usada en fotografía y tratamiento por radiación. Al ser menos higroscópica que el yoduro de sodio, es más utilizada como fuente de ion yoduro.
Explanation:Se porta como una sal simple. El ion yoduro, al ser un reductor débil, es fácilmente oxidado por otros elementos como el cloro para transformarse en yodo:
2 KI(ac) + Cl2(ac) → 2 KCl + I2(ac)
Tiene un pH neutro (pH = 7) ya que el catión potasio y el anión yoduro son iones espectadores, por lo que no reaccionan con el agua, manteniéndose inalterado el pH. El yoduro se oxida aún más fácilmente al formar ácido yodhídrico (HI), el cual es un reductor más fuerte que el KI. El yoduro de potasio forma el anión triyoduro(I3−) al combinarse con yodo elemental.
A diferencia del yodo, los triyoduros son altamente solubles en agua, por lo que el yoduro de potasio aumenta considerablemente la solubilidad del yodo elemental en agua, que por sí solo se disuelve en muy bajas cantidades.
developed as the organism grows
Traits are characteristics that are developed as an organism grows.
The term is mostly used in the field of genetics to describe the attribute of an organism.
- Traits are usually synonymous to phenotypes.
- They are the outward expression of a gene.
- These characters are developed as an organism grows as influenced by the environment.
- The environment plays a very important role in manifestation of trait.
learn more:
Polygenetic trait
The answer to that is Quark
<u>Answer:</u> The balanced chemical equation is written below.
Double displacement reaction is defined as the reaction in which exchange of ions takes place.

When sodium permanganate reacts with iron (III) chloride, it leads to the production of sodium chloride and iron (III) permanganate.
The chemical equation for the reaction of sodium permanganate and iron (III) chloride follows:

By Stoichiometry of the reaction:
3 moles of aqueous solution of sodium permanganate reacts with 1 mole of aqueous solution of iron (III) chloride to produce 1 mole of solid iron permanganate and 3 moles of aqueous solution of sodium chloride
Hence, the balanced chemical equation is written above.
3, 2, 1, 4
Further explanation:</h3>
The process of photosynthesis is the process of converting carbon dioxide and water into energy in the form of carbohydrates using sunlight. Usually done by plants that have leafy za called chlorophyll.
Carbohydrates themselves are formed from the C-carbon, H-hydrogen and O-oxygen components
Rabbit food is carrots that contain carbohydrates, which are part of the photosynthesis process
3. The carrot plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis.
6CO₂ + 6H₂O ⇒ C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂
2. The rabbit eats the carrot plant.
Rabbits meet their carbohydrate source for energy by eating carrots
1. The rabbit decomposes.
Rabbits in time will experience a process of decomposition
4 - Carbon compounds are returned to the soil.
The carbon content in rabbits will also be decomposed into the soil again