Atoms with the same number of protons but with different electrical charges are different ions
Ions are defined as those atoms or molecules which carry charge
The magnetic field strength of a very long current-carrying wire is proportional to the inverse of the distance from the wire. The farther you go from the wire, the weaker the magnetic field becomes.
B ∝ 1/d
B = magnetic field strength, d = distance from wire
Calculate the scaling factor for d required to change B from 25μT to 2.8μT:
2.8μT/25μT = 1/k
k = 8.9
You must go to a distance of 8.9d to observe a magnetic field strength of 2.8μT
A and C are 180 deg out of phase (opposite points on a 360 deg wave)
So we want to explain the effects of time dilation. In theory of relativity time dilation is the difference of elapsed time between two events when measured by two observers who are moving relatively to each other. A clock of an observer that is standing still in an inertial frame of reference is going to measure a different time of an event than the clock of an observer that is moving with some velocity with respect to the inertial reference frame that is not moving. In a nutshell, the moving clock is ticking slower than the clock that is standing still.
In behaviorism, Intermittent Reinforcement is a conditioning schedule in which a reward or punishment (reinforcement) is not administered every time the desired response is performed. ... On an intermittent reinforcement schedule the mouse would only receive food every few times (it is typically random and unpredictable).