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don't get your eyes off the road
don't get distracted
Mechanical Energy
The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of an object is its total mechanical energy.
A drop in voltage occurs
When electric current flows through a conduct, there are three basic electrical effects that occur to the conductor;
1. A magnetic field is set up around the conductor,
A magnetic field is formed around a conductor when current flows through it which makes it acts like a magnet. Application is used in electric bells.
2. Heat is generated, and
The heating effect of current is due to the conversion of some of the electrical energy that passes through the conductor, into heat energy. Application of heat effect include electric iron, microwave oven, electric bulb, hair straightener etc.
H = I²Rt
3. A drop in voltage occurs
Voltage drop is as a result of current passing through the impedance offers by the conductor or circuit elements. When current passes through a conductor, the resistance offers opposition to the flow of the electric current according to Ohm's law.
B. Newton's First Law, I'm pretty sure. The first states that an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest until an outside force is applied, and that seems pretty relevant.
The acceleration is 3 m/s per minute, or 0.05 m/s per second.