Fraction is 2.161616/1000000
mixed number is 2 161616/1000000
-100 is rational.
-100 can be turned into a fraction by doing the following...
Just put 1 underneath -100 and you get 
So that means it is rational since it can be a fraction!
If you can you should go to a friends house for a while until you feel like it’s safe to go back
Answers are square root of 2, square root of 7,
Step-by-step explanation:
Irational is a number that is never ending.
Square root of 2 is irrational since there is no pattern to the number after the decimal.
10/ sqrt of 100. Sqrt of 100 is 10. 10/10 = 1 so this is not a irrational.
Sqrt of 7 does not have a pattern after the decimal point so it is irrational.
5.87 with a dash on top is rational since it means it has a pattern of continues 87's.
Last one it is equal to 2 so it is rattional.