Outline the steps necessary to prepare a storage device for storing files.
- Link the storage unit to a network, whether it be a laptop computer or a mobile device.
- Firewall it with sufficient anti-virus so that it also does not affect the linked system.
- The program must auto-install the storage device on the network after quarantine, and authorize it.
- Test the file that requires to be moved to the storage device, then upload it to the storage device after anti virus is safe.
- Should not directly pull the storage device out of the network, select the exit device option correctly and only then remove the device after it has been accepted.
Identify and briefly describe the tools used to prepare a storage device for storing files.
<em>EFSDump -</em> Users can share encrypted files by carrying certificates by using EFSDump. It is usually very time consuming to audit the users who have privileges. But it is very simple to list users who have access to encrypted files using EFSDump.
<em>SDelete -</em> Suppose Windows operating system eliminates the index and prevents access when we delete a file. All the same, attackers can still recover the contents of the file. Files that are encrypted by EFS leave the file behind on the disk. Using the SDelete tool we can modify free space to prevent the recovery of deleted files.
Explain why file systems are critical components of an operating system. What is their purpose?
Hypothetically defining file system is nothing more than the way files are called and logically organized for storage.
Ex: DOS, Windows, and Unix-based operating systems all contain various file systems where data is organized in tree structure.
Usually defines the naming of files, how long the suffix can be. The file system often includes a format indicating the access to a file.
Specify the file system or file systems that would be available with that operating system.
A file system controls the mechanism by which data is stored and accessed on a disk. This deals mainly with internal disk operations such as naming files, records, directories, documentation, storage management, and other protocol accesses.
- FAT (File Allocation Table)
- NTFS (New Technology File System)
Describe from an administrator perspective what is necessary to prepare a storage device for access by a user.
Connection to the storage unit is equipment-oriented. The Windows Explorer summary contains optical drives, USB keys and hard drives as separate devices, making it much easier to navigate a new computer.
To connect a Linux computer you must mount the drive by connecting it to a directory.
Usually mounting a device is a manual operation, since only the administrator determines which directory the system attaches to.
Graphical interfaces are seldom seen on Linux servers. When you plug a storage device into a USB port on your computer, nothing can happen.
Usually the mount command looks like mount/dev / sdb1/mnt, where /dev / sdb1 is the system and /mnt is the directory you want to mount it.
List a few ways that a user can utilize a file system.
System output can be improved not only by choosing the most appropriate file system(s) but also by using the various choices available for most file systems.
There are variations in the number of options depending on the specific file system, and some options can only be set at the time of development of the filesystem, even though it can be modified afterwards.