Let the
Youngest brothers age = x+2
Middle brothers age = x+4
Oldest brothers age = x+6
Youngest brothers age = x+2 = 28+2 = 30 years of age
Middle brothers age = x+4 = 28+4 = 32 years of age
Oldest brothers age = x+6 = 28+6 = 34 years of age
Have a great day!
right side, bottom. curve
Step-by-step explanation:
ooof 2 weeks ago, sorry mate, i want the points doe...
Answer by CubeyThePenguin(3113) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
x = 5y
xy = 320
Substitute the first equation into the second equation
(5y)(y) = 320
5y^2 = 320
y^2 = 64
y = 8 (y must be positive)
The integers are (x, y) = (40, 8).