Compounds X and Y are both C6H13Cl compounds formed in the radical chlorination of 3-methylpentane. Both X and Y undergo base-pr
omoted E2 elimination to give a mixture of alkenes.In water X and Y each react to form a mixture of substitution and elimination products; however, X reacts much faster than does Y.What is the structure of Y?
The radical chlorination of 3-methylpentane can lead to a tertiary substituted carbon (Y) and to a secondary one (X).
The E2 elimination mechanism, as shown in the figure, will happen with a simulyaneous attack from the base and elimination of the chlorine. This means that primary and secondary substracts undergo the E2 mechanism faster than tertiary substracts.
Using charles law v1/t1=v2/t2 v1=1l v2=1.1l t2=255+273=528 t1=? 1/t1=1.1/528 cross multiply 1.1t1=528 divide both sides by 1.1 t1=528/1.1 t1=480k or 207celcius