<span>only D-glucose is found in disaccharides and polysaccharides.</span>
In group theory, a branch of mathematics, the term order is used in two unrelated senses:
<span><span>The order of a group is its cardinality, i.e., the number of elements in its set. Also, the order, sometimes period, of an element a of a group is the smallest positive integer m such that <span>am = e</span> (where e denotes the identity element of the group, and am denotes the product of m copies of a). If no such m exists, a is said to have infinite order.</span><span>The ordering relation of a partially or totally ordered group.</span></span>
This article is about the first sense of order.
The order of a group G is denoted by ord(G) or | G | and the order of an element a is denoted by ord(a) or | a |.
A medida que aumenta la temperatura de un líquido, la solubilidad de los gases en ese líquido disminuye. Podemos usar la Segunda Ley de la Termodinámica para explicar por qué. Calentar una solución de un gas permite que las partículas de gas se muevan más libremente entre la solución y la fase gaseosa. La Segunda Ley predice que cambiarán al estado más desordenado, más altamente disperso y, por lo tanto, más probablemente gaseoso.
Sublimation describes a solid turning directly into a gas. Melting occurs when a solid turns into a liquid. Water can, under the right circumstances, sublimate, though it usually melts at temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Explanation: Carbon dioxide (CO2), however, is very different. The conditions that determine whether CO2 melts or sublimates are both temperature and atmospheric pressure.