The Boston Massacre was a major cause of the U.S revolutionary war.
This social group would best be described as a <u>small group</u>.
A group with minimum of three members is known as small group. If the group has more than fifteen to twenty members, it cannot be the small group.
Small group of people may be friends or working partner in an organization. Small group can be best explained with the following scenario.
Tig, Shonice and Petra are best friends. Tig tells Shonice and Petra about a job interview that she had recently attended, when they are drinking coffee in the student union building. Then Shonice tells about her latest trip after returning home. Petra shares a story about her most recent rock-climbing adventure. This social group is described as a small group.
This shows strength in a company
Social practices shape everyday life and are familiar to all members of the community, even if not everybody participates in them. Distinctive social practices that are specially relevant to a community and help reinforce a sense of identity and continuity with the past are given priority.