1. different gases mix together to form air and no new comound is formed
2. air has variable composition
3. air shows the properties of its constituent substances
Bleaching Powder's chemical formula is CaOCl2 and is called Calcium Oxychloride. It is prepared on dry slaked lime by chlorine gas. 2. ... It gives calcium chloride, chlorine and water when bleaching powder reacts with hydrochloric acid.
A bond is non polar if it is between same atoms and polar if it is between different atoms.
Same atoms are like two dogs of same strength pulling a bone towards towards each other. But when it’s different atoms it’s like a big dog and small dog then the bone is more towards bigger dog. So it’s the same way in bonds.
Bonds are made up of electrons, when the more stronger pulling atom is present than other the electrons are more towards it and as a result we have polar bond. There is development of a kind of a negative pole and a positive pole.
The stronger atom has electrons towards itself so it has a little more negative charge while the other atom has positive charge. This makes bond polar.
So just look for bond between two different atoms, it would be polar.
Look at the pic below to see the answer.
Marked with green is bond between same atoms... one carbon and another carbon so it is not polar and test marked with blue are polar.
Well the answer should have been 10 but since the bonds at 3 and 8 are two of same type we count only one of them.
The answer is 8... well the answer should be 10 otherwise... discuss it with ur teacher
Atoms=9.033*10^23 atoms
Atoms=no.of miles*Avogadro's no.
Atoms=9.033*10^23 atoms