Answer:- Oxidation number of Cl does not change as it is -1 on both sides.
Explanations:- oxidation number of Mg on reactant side is 0 as it is in its elemental form(not combined with another element).
Oxidation number of hydrogen in its compounds is +1, so if H is +1 in HCl the oxidation number of Cl is -1 as the sum has to be zero.
On product side, Mg oxidation number is +2 as the oxidation number of alkaline earth metals in their compounds is +2.
Two Cl are present in magnesium chloride, so if Mg is +2 then Cl is -1.
Oxidation number of H on product side is 0 as it is present in its elemental for, ,
So, it is only chlorine(Cl) whose oxidation number does not change for the given equation.
You can determine the hazards of these chemicals by looking at their material data safety sheets (MSDS).
1. 0.1 M Ag⁺: Silver compounds are absorbed by skin causing bluish pigmentation. Thus, it <em>causes </em><span><em>staining on skin</em>.</span> Also, liquid <em>vapor may be irritating</em> to skin and also <em>moderately toxic when ingested</em>.
2. 0.1 M Ba²⁺: This is <em>mildly toxic when ingested</em> causing stomach irritation, muscle weakness, swelling of organs like brain, liver, kidney and heart.
3. 0.1 M Fe³⁺:Iron is <em>corrosive, has irritating vapor especially to the eyes, and toxic if ingested</em>.
4. 6 M HCl: This is a concentrated strong acid, so it is <em>corrosive, has irritating vapors, flammable and toxic when ingested</em>.
5. 6 M H₂SO₄: This is also a concentrated strong acid. Moreover, it is a strong oxidizing agent. So, its hazards include: <span><em>corrosive, has irritating vapors, toxic when ingested and causes staining on skin</em>.
</span>6. 6 M HNO₃: This is a concentrated strong acid, so it is <em>corrosive, has irritating vapors, flammable and toxic when ingested</em>.
7. 7.5 M NH₃: This is a weak base. It is characterized for its pungent odor. This is <em>corrosive, has irritating vapors, toxic if ingested, and flammable</em>.
The answer is false methane is emitted from coal