1.3 times 10 is 13 and 13 to the 15th power is 51185893014090760
To solve this, create an equation that follows 45% of a value is 18. This would look like x*.45=18. Now, solve for x, x*.45=18, divide by .45, x=18/.45=40, making your value 40. To check, plug in your value to the equation 40*.45=18 and see if it stays true.
73*-2 =-146 you have to multiply the 73 to the -2
Step-by-step explanation:
The equation is
6x + 12y = 48
Step-by-step explanation:
Standard form another way of writing a linear equation. It is in the form
Ax + By = C
Total amount with Samantha = $48
Single player games = $6 each
Multi player games = $12 each
Number of Single player games = x
Number of Multi player games = y
The number of single player games (x) and the number of multi player games (y) Samantha can buy is
6x + 12y = 48
That is price × quantity of single player games + price × quantity of multi player games = Total amount with Samantha
15 - 1 = x thats the answer to the problem thats how you can have the answer