Its not really definable. Say, you can have a full moon on the last day of November, and have the waning phases throughout the first half. Or you can have a new moon on the last day of December, and have the waxing phases during the first half of the month.
It's because of the position of tectonic plates.
Galileo Galilei is one of the key figures in the history of Science, being the first to apply the experimental-mathematical scientific method. He carried out experiments and careful observations in kinematics (his studies on the trajectory of projectiles are famous) and dynamics (it should be noted his careful experiments with inclined planes), establishing the first law of Dynamics (which Newton will later collect and refine in his Principles); and in Astronomy, with which he could unequivocally support the heliocentric theory.
His experiments were addressed by methodologies that allowed him to precisely find his mathematical calculations and to verify theories he was developing over time. His manuscripts were key to disseminate the applied method and extrapolate them to other scientific areas.
Therefore the correct answer is C.
Answer: Scanning Tunneling Microscope
The answer is, of course, the greatest Star Trek fan art imaginable: images literally built out of individual atoms. The images are the work of IBM scientists who created the unique artwork with a two-ton machine called the Scanning Tunneling Microscope that moves single atoms across a tiny piece of copper.
4 gamma closest thing to this V
Technetium. Tc is a very versatile radioisotope, and is the most commonly used radioisotope tracer in medicine.