let us consider that the two charges are of opposite nature .hence they will constitute a dipole .the separation distance is given as d and magnitude of each charges is q.
the mathematical formula for potential is 
for positive charges the potential is positive and is negative for negative charges.
the formula for electric field is given as-
for positive charges,the line filed is away from it and for negative charges the filed is towards it.
we know that on equitorial line the potential is zero.hence all the points situated on the line passing through centre of the dipole and perpendicular to the dipole length is zero.
here the net electric field due to the dipole can not be zero between the two charges,but we can find the points situated on the axial line but outside of charges where the electric field is zero.
now let the two charges of same nature.let these are positively charged.
here we can not find a point between two charges and on the line joining two charges where the potential is zero.
but at the mid point of the line joining two charges the filed is zero.
You<span> should </span>test<span> FC and PH as soon as </span>you<span> take the sample</span>
<h2>It solved by the Hooke's law states F=kx</h2>
answer is
V_local = -x/t^2
V_convec = x/t^2
a = V_local + V_convec = 0
e) When a particle moves towards postive x direction its convective velocity increases, but at the same time the local velocity deacreases (at the same rate) when time increases
You can see plots for a) and b) attached on this document
The local acceleration is just teh aprtial derivative of the velocity with respect to t:

And the convective acceleration is given by the product of the velocity times the gradient of the velocity, that is:

Since the acceleration of any fluid particle is the sum of the local and convective accelerations, we can easily see that it is equal to zero, since they are equal but with opposit sign
This is because of teh particular form of the velocity. A particle will move towards areas of higher velocities (convectice acceleration), but as time increases, the velocity is also decreasing (local acceleration), and the sum of these quantities adds up to zero
Carbon capture is the safest way to capture emission.
Emission of green house gases is one of the most lurking threat above humans. So one of the best ways to reduce emission is to capture the gases like carbon di-oxide or carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide etc. So mostly, the carbon di-oxide gas which is produced as waste is captured using adsorption, absorption, chemical looping etc.
In this method, they are captured from high source points like cement factory etc and then stored in a secluded region. Thus, the adsorption of these gases and then storing them in secluded region is the best option for capturing emission.