Why is healthy skin important? Healthy skin is important because it is your first line of defense against bacteria and other pollutants in the environment. Healthy skin is more resilient when faced with external stresses, serves as an important sensory organ and helps to regulate our body temperature.
The outermost layer of skin, called the epidermis, produces a thin barrier layer called the stratum corneum. This layer varies throughout the body in its structure, thickness, composition and functional properties. For example, the skin on your palms and soles is thicker than on your face.
Skin changes such as wrinkling are one of the physical alterations most readily associated with aging. It may surprise you that the outer layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, changes very little as we age. The main changes occur at a deeper level. Collagen, a basic chemical building block of skin and connective tissue, decreases with age.
B. Is what the scientists manipulate in the experiment.
The Independent variable is not dependent, or doesn't rely, on another variable in the experiment. So, it would make the most sense that they would manipulate the Independent so that they can watch and see how the dependent variable reacts to the manipulation, or the change, in the independent variable.
Chromosomes become visible, crossing-over occurs, the nucleolus disappears, the meiotic spindle forms, and the nuclear envelope disappears.
The duplicated homologous chromosomes pair, and crossing-over (the physical exchange of chromosome parts) occurs.
Use 400 x in order to study the structure clearly.
Cell structures could be clearly identified when magnify the microscope about 400 x by using a compound microscope. Due to high magnification power of compound microscope, the individual is able to see different structures that are present in cells. while by using lower magnification, the individual is unable to see different structures clearly. So use high magnification in order to study the cell.
The penis is introduced in a vagina of a female then they start movíng to feel pleasure so the penis throws a Liquid called semen it’s what contains ezpermatozoids that’s what it needs to make a baby