Calculation to determine X
First step is to calculate the 6 months Yield
6 month Yield=(40/40+20) (80/40+20) (157.60/80+80)+1)
6 month Yield=(40/60) (80/60) (157.60/160)-1
6 month Yield=5%
Second step is to calculate the Annual equivalent
Annual equivalent=(1.05)^2-1
Annual equivalent=10.25%
Third step is to calculate the 1 year yield
1 year yield=(40/50) (80/40+20) (175/80+80) (x/175+75)
1 year yield=(40/50) (80/60) (175/160) (x/250)-1
1 year yield=0.1025
Now Let calculate X
Therefore X is 236.25
-UNICEF Việt Nam – Quỹ Nhi đồng Liên Hiệp Quốc
– UNFPA – Quỹ Dân số Liên Hợp Quốc
– UNIDO – Tổ chức Phát triển Công nghiệp Liên Hiệp Quốc
– Aide et Action International
– IntraHealth International
– The Asia Foundation
Tổ chức phi chính phủ phủ là tổ chức quốc tế trong đó các thành viên tham gia không phải là chính phủ, tổ chức phi chính phủ được thành lập một cách tự nguyện, hợp pháp không vì lợi nhuận, thúc đẩy sự phát triển trong công nghệ, khoa học kỹ thuật…
I think the answer must be True! Because the scientist are uncertain of how long the resources will be last. Hope it helped you! Have a great day! :)
two advantages are having your own buisness and being able to make money, and doing what you love (or like)
two disadvantages are the cost of owning a buisness, and a building to have it in.
Answer: Role
Role is basically refers to the collection of the databases that can easily access the privileges which are assigned to the specific users so that they can able to accessing the resources from the database system management.
- The database role is also known as the collection of the privileges in the database system.
- The main function of the role in the database management system (DBMS) is that it can easily update and also retrieve the business records in an organization.
Therefore, Role is the correct answer.